Something About Cappuccino

A cappuccino is an espresso coffee mixed with equal parts espresso and steaming foam milk. The color of coffee, like a cappuccino friar wearing a turban over his dark brown coat, gave coffee its name. A traditional cappuccino is one third espresso, one third steam milk and one third foam milk, and is topped with small granules of cinnamon powder.

Roaster Coffees

The taste of cappuccino coffee is good, but the origin of its name is more learned, has been europe and the united states to study the change of the language of the best material. The history of the word cappuccino is enough to show that a word that looks like one thing often ends up meaning something far more than its creator intended. That sounds pretty complicated. The monks of the catholic order of saint capuchin, founded after 1525, all wore brown robes and pointed hats. When the order of saint capuchin arrived in italy, the local people thought their clothes were so special that they gave them the name cappuccino, which is espresso for the loose robes and pointed hats worn by monks. From the espresso word for turban, cappuccino.

With regular caffeine intake, the body may become mildly dependent. If you suddenly stop drinking, you may experience symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, anxiety and inability to concentrate. However, these symptoms will disappear on their own within a few days, and there will be no serious withdrawal symptoms or lasting physical or mental effects, as with other psychotropic drugs or substances. From the perspective of different groups of people, it is more appropriate for healthy adults to consume 3 to 5 cups of coffee per day. That is, healthy adults should not consume more than 210 to 400 mg of caffeine per day. A handy caffeine calculator can help you keep your caffeine intake within a safe range.

The old man, however, was a coffee drinker and noticed that when espresso, milk and milk foam were mixed, the color was like the dark brown robes worn by monks. So he had an idea and named the milk and coffee drink with the sharp milk foam cappuccino. The word was first used in english in 1948, when a san francisco newspaper first introduced the cappuccino drink, and it was not until 1990 that the world became familiar with the coffee drink. It is fair to say that the word cappuccino is derived from both the church of saint francis (capuchin) and the espresso word for cappuccino (cappucio). It is believed that the originator of the word cappuccino never dreamed that the monks' robes would eventually become the name of a coffee drink.

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Cappuccino is a variation of espresso coffee in which a strong cup of coffee is topped with steaming milk, which is the color of the turbanes that cappuccino monks wear over their dark brown coats.

There are dry and wet cappuccinos. Dry cappuccino is a method of preparing milk with more foam and less milk, which makes coffee taste stronger than milk. It is suitable for people with strong taste. As for a wet cappuccino, it refers to a less bubbling, more milky way, which overcomes the strong, smoky coffee flavor and is suitable for lighter palates. A wet cappuccino is similar in flavor to a popular latte. Generally speaking, cappuccinos are stronger than lattes. If you are a heavy drinker, you can order a cappuccino or dry cappuccino. If you are not used to strong coffee, you can order a latte or wet cappuccino.


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